Osteria Storica Morelli

Great attention to ingredients and the quality of products, to prepare dishes and recipes that exalt Trentino traditions.  

Osteria Storica Morelli #1
Osteria Storica Morelli #1
Osteria Storica Morelli #2
Osteria Storica Morelli #2

The Chef's philosophy
"In the last few years of work in the territory I have become aware of the variety and quality of the products to be found in our valleys.
I want to dedicate this last adventure of mine in catering to promoting the many small producers who in these years managed to create products capable of meeting my needs, hoping I shall find more of them. With these ingredients I can not only ensure a superior quality but also limit the purchase of products outside the province to a minimum. 
For this reason my menus are going to be bound to the territory, the season and regional cuisine traditions".


Contact & Directions

Osteria storica Morelli
Piazza Petrini, 1
38057 Canezza Pergine Valsugana

Weather Valsugana

Max Temp. (C): 23°
Temp. Min. (C): 9°
Jun 03
Max Temp. (C): 24°
Temp. Min. (C): 10°
Jun 04
Max Temp. (C): 26°
Temp. Min. (C): 11°
Weather forecast