11 results
Passo Fedaia

Passo Fedaia

Spectacular views of the Marmolada, the "Queen of the Dolomites"...

Mazzin (Campestrin - Fontanazzo)

Mazzin (Campestrin - Fontanazzo)

Trekking on the Dolomites or cross country skiing on the Marcialonga...

Val di Fassa - Passo San Pellegrino

Passo San Pellegrino

The carousel of the TreValli in the Fassa Dolomites and the Belluno...

Passo Fedaia

Passo Fedaia

Spectacular views of the Marmolada, the "Queen of the Dolomites" massiv

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Mazzin (Campestrin - Fontanazzo)

Mazzin (Campestrin - Fontanazzo)

Trekking on the Dolomites or cross country skiing on the Marcialonga ski-trail

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Val di Fassa - Passo San Pellegrino

Passo San Pellegrino

The carousel of the TreValli in the Fassa Dolomites and the Belluno valley

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Resorts and Towns