Armanini trout farm

The Casa del Gusto (House of Taste) is the tasting centre on the premises of the trout farm.

Armanini trout farm #1
Armanini trout farm #1

Since 1963 Troticoltura Armanini has brought to the table all the freshness of mountain fish, processing and marketing the finest trout and char reared on its farm.

Contact & Directions

Troticultura Armanini
Via Ponte dei Tedeschi, 2
38080 Storo

Weather Valli Giudicarie and Valle del Chiese

Max Temp. (C): 20°
Temp. Min. (C): 7°
May 06
Max Temp. (C): 18°
Temp. Min. (C): 10°
May 07
Max Temp. (C): 16°
Temp. Min. (C): 11°
Weather forecast